What is the best method to determine whether a diamond is real or fake?

 Diamonds are the most precious metal that signifies love and makes you feel confident. These are the most loved and admired metals by women. People buy diamonds to express their love to someone special. Before purchasing, you have to make sure whether it is genuine or fake. In the world we are living in, many sellers sell fake diamonds and it is crucial to be aware while purchasing. There are many online sites to buy diamonds in Atlanta the only thing you have to check is its originality. Let us understand how to determine it. 

  • Fog test 

To determine whether the diamond is original or fake, take a fog test. Fog the diamond through breath by putting it in front of your mouth. Moisture will disappear from it after 2-3 seconds if it is genuine and if it stays for more than 3 seconds it is fake. It is the best technique used by many experts.

  • Water test 

The water test is the quickest test to determine actual and fake. Take a glass of water and carefully drop the diamond in it. If the diamond sinks it is real but, if it floats at the surface you have bought the wrong one. This is because a real diamond has a high density so if the water drops it will sink. 

  • Check it with sunlight 

You can take a sunlight test also. Put the diamond in front of sunlight if you see the rainbow reflection you are dealing with a fake diamond and, if it reflects in different shades of grey, it is real. So after purchasing make sure to have this test. 

These are the quickest and most feasible tests to perform when you purchase a diamond. It is endorsed to go through multiple tests to clarify the real and fake. Various online sites in Atlanta sell beautiful and genuine diamonds in Atlanta. Royal Design is the best one, whether you want a ring or a pendant you will get everything here. Visit their website and check various alluring diamond jewelry.


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